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Different image file formats for websites

Different image file formats for websites

Different image file formats for websites. How many of you have knowledge of image file format? Well, most of us know about JPEG and PNG only. I bet most people do not know about PNG either. That is strange we use technology. Forms of technology in our day to day life. But lack basic information about what we actually use.

Technology is changing every day. Every day the technology you are using is getting better. These updates are taking one step forward towards revolution. Hence, image files formates have also started to create a change. Today we might prioritize JPEG format and PNG format. But, we have many upcoming formats like GIF, HEIC/HEIF, WEBP and AVIF. Because these formats need some upgrades they are not able to replace JPEG. However, some of them have shown the capabilities of replacing Png so far.

Let us understand more about these formats. Which of these formats can be used for websites. Image formats we use on our website matters because of the following reasons:

  1. Performance of your website is always at stake and should be your priority. Type of file you use directly influence your websites speed.
  2. Quality matters when it comes to displaying content. Because of these formats, you can enhance your picture quality. It will add to the appearance of your website.

3 Different image file formats for websites


Specially designed format for digital photography work. JPEG format is the most used image formats out of all the formats we have. JPEG is a Joint Photographic Experts Group. The format developed in 1992. This format provides more colour resolution with 24bit depth. This is a normal resolution human eye can discern. Designed using a lossy compression method. Luminance contrast and chromatic contrast plays a vital role. The human eye is sensitive to medium scale detailed images. However, JPEG recodifies Red, Green and Blue images into one luminance and two chroma channels. Chroma subsampling reduces any type of issues in the image. JPEG supports Artifacts. That is why it is the most used image format used on the internet. However, JPEG has a disadvantage as it does not allows transparency.


PNG format is the second most used format on the internet. Portable Network Graphics that means PNG. GIF format has some colour banding issues. In 1996 this format came up to replace GIF format. The biggest difference between PNG and JPEG is of Artifacts. JPEG supports Artifact’s but PNG does not. However, PNG supports trance party and it is a better option than GIF. The type of format used in PNG is Lossless bitmap image format. Basically, images are compressed by mapping large pixels into a simple discrete palette.


WEBP image file format is developed by Google. Basic behind developing WEBP was to provide a single web image format which can be used on every possible type of image. Produces light images than that of JPEG format. Does not even compromises on the quality of the image. Type of format used is an Image format, Lossless and Lossy compression algorithm. This type even supports transparency. It combines image codes with both lossless and lossy compression. This can become a good replacement for JPEG, PNG and GIF. This format is facing lack of universal support. Once Apple, Safari AND ios start supporting WEBP it can create a sensational storm.

Hope this article helped you understand what format is best for you to use on your website. Thank you for visiting us, keep reading.

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